Sunday, February 9, 2025


Because ALL vaginas matter!

Would it be biased of me to declare once again; PUSSY IS GOOD FOR YOU? Would be it wrong for me to encourage all lovers of vagina to get a regular face full for the sake of your health? Absolutely not! In...
Now you know I’m all about vulvas aka vaginas even though the correct term is actually vulva but many continue to call that whole area a vagina (phew), soooo imagine my excitement to learn that Cult Beauty have launched...
Every vagina matters and that really is the truth! That amazing thing that stays nestled comfortably between your legs is awesomeness personified. Not only is it a gateway for life to exist but it also gives pleasure and is an amazing...
Every now and again, the issue of cervical screening more commonly known as a smear tests, tends to pop up in the news. Sadly, this is because of the decreasing number of women that chose to avoid them! Recent news reports...

Latest article

[Audio Fiction] The Massage – getting head from her masseuse as featured on Listen as audio The drips of the massage oil trickled slowly on to my back. The cold, heavy drops against my naked skin excited me. I...

[Audio Fiction] Morning fuck – prepping my fuck stick as featured on Listen as audio My eyes pinged open and in that very moment, I knew I wanted him. As he snoozed beside me, I let my hand...

Shower Sex 101

Day dreaming about hot water lashing down on your skin whilst your partner caresses you gently, teases your parts and over familiarises themselves with...