That night was the beginning of a beautiful combination of insatiable sex and companionship.
Our appetites for sex matched completely.
We were definitely any time, any place, anywhere kinds of people.
We did it just about everywhere.
In the car…several times, on trains, backs of buses, supermarket toilets…everywhere.
We made it a kind of game. We counted how many places we could fuck in during one week. The wining total was 9!
I loved being around Theo. He brought something out in me. My wilder side. And I brought out his.
We tried everything you could imagine. He even let me peg him!
I never thought I’d find a man that would happily let me fuck his arse, but here we were.
I remember the first time so clearly.
It was banter first, you know that; I would fuck the shit out of you kind of talk with him telling me, whatever.
I swore I’d make him know exactly what was what if I ever got the chance.
He told me, this was my chance…
I definitely didn’t pass up on the opportunity.