The very first episode of Tinted Blu Talks sees Sherryl Blu sit down with sex educator and award winning store manager of Sh! Store; Renee Denyer!
They entertainingly break down the workings of the female intimate parts, emphasise the importance of knowing your body and why it’s OK to give your body permission to enjoy pleasure.
There is some discussion around the clit and all its amazingness together with saying no to the doorbell move, using lube and why faking it should never be a thing!
Before wrapping up, Sherryl and Renee share their favourite names for down below, discuss vaginal hygiene, BV, going commando, the fabulousness of vaginal fluids and why Boots should stock shots of pussy juice!
All of this and much more….
Its education, its entertainment, its informative and its unfiltered fun.
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Connect with Renee/Sh! Emporium