Ask Tinted Blu: A bendy penis could be Peyronie’s disease

We’ve probably all seen more than one type of willy….

Whether that’s a fat one and a thin one or a short one versus a longer one, most of us would have something to compare right?

So what about a bendy one?

One with a curve?

Well apparently it is normal for a penis to curve slightly to either the left or the right when it is erect but if that bend is more than just slightly, it could be a sign of Peyronie’s disease.

Explain please!

OK, so Peyronie’s disease usually affects men over the age of 40 and causes an erect penis to curve.
And whilst the full extent of Peyronie’s disease is not known, there is a school of thought that believe the disease can occur after sustaining an injury whilst the penis is erect.
However, it is also understood that the disease can just appear out of nowhere – it could even be hereditary!

There are no rules to this thing!

So what are the symptoms?

The symptoms of Peyronie’s disease include:

  • A misshapen penis
  • Loss of length or girth in the penis
  • A curve that usually goes upwards (when erect)
  • Pain whilst erect (in severe cases, Peyronie’s disease can make sex very painful and sometimes, impossible)!

It’s also important to note, Peyronie’s disease could lead to erectile dysfunction.

Is there treatment?

Great news….yes there is!

There are in fact a few ways to deal with the disease.

If the preferred option would be to head down the non-surgical route, steroids and medicines are available whilst a more invasive way would be to remove a piece of the penis to cancel out the bend or implanting a device to straighten it.

Yep, it is kinda deep isn’t it?

So whilst social media would have you believe that having a bendy, curvy cock is nothing more than a gimmick that could rack up views, retweets and likes, it could actually be more than just a bit of visual fun.

As with anything pertaining to health, if you have any concerns with your penis or the penis that you are loving, have it checked out by a GP to avoid further potential issues.