Ask Tinted Blu: What’s a QUEEF?

You’ve probably heard the term at some point in your life but do you know 100% what it is and moreover, why it happens?

Let me help you out a little… *wink*

Queef is a slang term for vaginal flatulence!

Yes, it is true, vaginas have the ability to expel air too – it is a hole after all!

Whilst the sound is somewhat comparable to the sound the anus makes when farting, the difference here is major – fanny farts (there’s another term for ya) do not involve any waste gases but come from small pockets of air escaping the warmth of your underneath.

Imagine the sound you make with your mouth when you’re mocking a real life fart, they don’t smell do they (unless you have bad breath) – this is the same for a queef…no odour just plain old air!

If a queef does smell, there could be an underlying issue that may need addressing such as tear between the vagina and the colon or a female genital prolapse.

When is one likely to queef?

Queefs are generally random acts, much like farts but there are some situations that may put you more at risk of fanny farting for example, during exercise but most commonly during sex whether that’s with your fingers, with a cock or with a sex toy.

This is because of the extra air being pushed up there with the back and forth motion.  Your vagina also expands and lubricates during sex which also increases the likelihood of some fanny related SFX.

What to do after a queef?

Continue on…

Queefing is normal and to be honest, most mature people wouldn’t see it as a big deal.  In fact, it could help lighten the mood or relax a somewhat tense situation.

Embrace the queef and move on!


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