Every year there is new data published around sexual health and STIs and every year it seems to be getting worse!
Despite the fact that information appears to be more accessible than ever, it’s like people just don’t care enough.
I’m not sure whether social media can be blamed for this one because let’s be honest, we seem to blame social media for practically everything. But how else do we begin to justify the fact that 400 young adults are being diagnosed with chlamydia and gonorrhoea each day?
Each day bruv!
That is a serious figure especially when you consider that averages out at roughly 1 diagnosis every 4 minutes!
The age group affected by these figures are 15-24 and actually, this particular age group accounts for 63% of all chlamydia diagnosis and 37% of all gonorrhoea.
That is a lot!
To add insult to injury so to speak, gonorrhoea has managed to evolve into a super disease, meaning it is resistant to the drugs or medication that would usually be used to treat it.
Super gonorrhoea is a real thing and apparently it is on the rise…worldwide!
This STI thing is no joke and if you’re having sex, you are at risk too – don’t get caught up in the misbelief that you are somehow safe – that’s a dangerous game to play.
Experts have warned that the antibiotic resistant strain of gonorrhoea could become untreatable and thus, it has been recommended that all suspected cases be referred to the national health services by GP’s so that they can be managed appropriately by surveying and managing resistant strains to help reduce further spreading.
Seriously, just let that marinate for a minute…
And whilst we are ‘marinating’, can I just take this opportunity to highlight the symptoms of both gonorrhoea and chlamydia?
Gonorrhoea symptoms in women include:
- Unusual discharge. Could be green or yellow in colour
- Bleeding between periods, heavier periods or bleeding during sex
- Pain or burning when having a wee
- Lower abdominal pain/tenderness
Gonorrhoea symptoms in men include:
- A white, green or yellow unusual discharge from the tip of the penis
- Swelling of the foreskin
- Pain or burning when having a wee
- Tenderness or pain the testicles
FYI gonorrhoea can affect the rectum, throat and even eyes by having unprotected sex vaginally or anally.
It is also important to note; 1 in 10 infected men and 1 in 5 infected women will not experience any obvious symptoms so regular check-ups are necessary if you are sexually active…no matter your age!
Chlamydia symptoms in women include:
- Unusual vaginal discharge
- Bleeding between periods and/or after sex
- Painful sex
- Pain when urinating
- Pelvic and/or tummy pain
Chlamydia symptoms in men include:
- White/cloudy discharge from penis tip
- Burning or itching in the urethra
- Pain when urinating
- Pain in the testicles
Again, chlamydia can be present in both men and women but show none of the above, common symptoms so if you are sexually active and under 25, it is advised that you get tested for chlamydia at least once a year. But tbh, if you are having sex at any age, looking after your health should include regular tests and screening for STIs and HIV – that should be a given.
Its mad out here mate…don’t get caught out!
Stay on top of things (no pun intended) and if you notice any changes down below such as unusual discharge or unjustified pain, get it checked out straight away as further complications can occur if STIs are left untreated.