Periods: a health indicator

As talking about periods and the whole subject of menstruation has become less taboo (and rightly so), let’s talk about them a bit more.

Ladies, you can learn a lot from your period.

As with any other bodily function, changes in your period could indicate health issues.

For example, severe period pain could indicate a condition such as polycystic ovaries and endometriosis.

Whilst most woman tend to suffer with some pain or discomfort, severe pain should never be passed off as ‘normal’ and any health concerns you may have should be investigated thoroughly by your GP.

Clots can occur normally during a period but larger clots could indicate a hormonal imbalance or even fibroids.

If the flow of your period changes suddenly, this could be a sign of an imbalance in the body, including issues with your thyroid.

Very heavy bleeding could also be as a result of fibroids and in some cases, may even act as an indicator of low iron in the body.

If you bleed for more than 7 days and/or find you have to change your sanitary protection every hour or two, it would be worth getting yourself checked over to rule out bleeding disorders or in some cases, STI’s.

Polycystic ovaries – what does this mean:

Polycystic ovary syndrome (CPOS) is a common condition that affect the functionality of a woman’s ovaries.

According to the NHS website, the 3 main features of PCOS are:

  • Irregular periods
  • High levels of male hormones which could lead to excess facial/body hair
  • Polycystic ovaries which is enlarged ovaries containing fluid filled follicles.

Click this link to read more on Polycystic ovaries and PCOS

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is another common condition usually affecting women of childbearing age.

Endometriosis is a common condition where tissue that behaves like the lining of the womb (endometrium) is found in other parts of the body. (NHS)

Some of the symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Lower tummy and/or back pain which usually worsens during your period
  • Pain during/after sex
  • Passing blood in your urine whilst having a period
  • Difficulty getting pregnant

For more info on Endometriosis, please click this link


Another common condition affecting women is the growth of non-cancerous masses that develop on and around the womb.

Fibroids usually develop during the years a woman is able to reproduce and studies have linked the growth of fibroids to oestrogen levels.

Most people are unaware they have fibroids as often no symptoms are displayed but some may experience any of the following common symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Heavy periods
  • Pain during sex
  • A need to urinate often

Click this link to learn more about fibroids and when to see a GP

As with all three of the common conditions mentioned in this article and outlined above, if any symptoms outside of what you know to be ‘normal’ for you persist, it’s always best to get it checked out by your GP.

 [Always use a reputable site when researching health symptoms such as the NHS site]








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