Let’s talk about: mental health

The 10th of October is World Mental Health Day.

This day is recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Whilst, mental health awareness is something that needs to be factored in to everyday life, having a day dedicated to exchanging thoughts and ideas around mental health, has to be a good right?

The reality of mental health is simply this; anyone can be affected by mental health problems at any given time.  There really is no criteria for succumbing. In fact stats courtesy of leading mental health charity; Mind, tell us that one in every four people will be affected at some point during any given year.

Despite the above, amazingly many still do not view mental health in the same way they would their physical health…as important!

Bottom line, your mental health is equally as important and actually requires the same level of care that you would show towards your physical self…sometimes more because truth be told, if the mind isn’t right, the physical body tends to follow suit.

Another reality is, many are unaware what actually constitutes a mental health or concern.  It really is simple; anything from anxiety and depression through to bipolar or psychosis.

The spectrum is so broad but even those that could be deemed as less of a concern, shouldn’t be overlooked or dismissed.

The stigma around mental health issues is ridiculous.

Here are some facts on mental health here in the UK.

1.    The most common mental health condition is anxiety which affects a whopping 5.9% in every 100 people!

2.    Depression in men is much higher than in women

3.    Every year approximately 6,000 commit suicide across the UK and Ireland which averages roughly 18 suicides a day – 18 too many!

4.    1 in 5 women are reported to have some form of mental health issues compared to 1 in 8 men in England

5.    Half of all mental illnesses begin by the age of 14 years old

6.    Depression is third biggest cause of mental illness in younger people

7.    75% of young people with mental health issues are not receiving treatment

8.    Prescriptive drugs are the most common way to treat mental illness with the number of medicines prescribed for OCD, panic attacks, depression and anxiety, having more than doubled in the past 10 years.

9.    The average waiting time for treatment is 10 whole years!  And actually, younger people are usually only helped once they reach the crisis stage!

10.   In the workplace, up to 300,000 people with mental health concerns lose their jobs each year and often employees that have mental health issues feel they are not supported correctly

11.   As it stands, mental health issues account for 23% of the burden of disease in the UK but only 11% of all NHS funding is spent in this area

12.   The government is adamant it will be spending more money on mental health treatment going forward

For more on mental health, please visit MIND.org.uk




  1. Fascinating article. I was unaware of many of these statistics. I don’t feel as though I have any mental issues but your first point proves me wrong! Show me someone who hasn’t felt anxiety at some point in their life! Reading though my Twitter feed, I now see that ‘writer’s block’ is considered a mental illness. Christ, as a writer, I suffer from that at least once a week (every week!) As you say, exchanging thoughts and ideas (if only for one day a year) is a good thing.


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