Want to give some friendly sex related advice to a woman and empower her at the same time?
Here’s a few ways you could do exactly that:
1. Encourage her to express what she is thinking inside and outside of the bedroom.
For example, she should be able to request sex from her partner just as confidently as asking them to grab her a burger or something!
Equally, she should be encouraged to ask her partner what they are thinking too.
Communication is essential in any relationship especially in one that involves sex.
How else are they going to know what you like from what you don’t like?
2. Never give in to a pressurised situation.
Desire is key here.
If you desire it then do it.
Never give in because your partners needs appear greater than your own.
3. Make you get just as much out the arrangement as your partner does.
Even if it’s just a one nighter or someone you only see for sex, don’t compromise on your satisfaction.
Think of the woman that has sex with her man and he is the only one that ejaculates whilst she is left high and dry.
What about her satisfaction? Surely it’s important too.
Don’t compromise on what you intended to get out of a situation regardless of how things pan out.