Penis Seat on the Mexican Metro!

Sometimes desperate results, call for desperate measures – an idea clearly understood by the UN Women and Mexico City officials in order to tackle the ever increasingly disturbing amount of sexual harassment that takes place on the subways in Mexico.

A ‘penis seat’ was designed and installed as an option for men only!

The seat looked like the lower half of the male body complete with penis and all.

Penis Seat on the Mexican Metro!

Beneath the seat, there is a sign referencing how annoying it is to travel this way for the person seated as well as for the many women that are sexually harassed and subjected to sexual violence, daily!

#NoEsDeHombres is the name of the campaign and they have released a short video entitled; Experimento Asiento.

The statement at the end of the video tell us; 9 out of 10 women in the city of Mexico have been victims of some type of sexual violence in their daily transfers.


A second campaign video (Experiemento Pantallas) has also been released.

This shows another social experiment which involves cameras taking pictures of men’s bums and displaying them on screens for all to see.

Most of the men targeted, reacted in an embarrassed way.

The aim of the campaign is to drum home the fact that sexual harassment/violence is in no way flattering or acceptable.  The idea to try and allow men to experience just a small taste of what women experience daily, is in hope that they change their outlook and behaviour towards women.





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