[EXTRAAA BISCUITS PODCAST] Firm Jelly – episode 2!

    Sherryl Blu hosts another crazy azz instalment of Extraaa Biscuits!

    This episode, Sherryl sits down with plus size fashion designer & entrepreneur; Remi Ray, comedian Reuben Christian and of course; the ‘Savage’ one!

    Be prepared to indulge in over an hour’s worth of unfiltered, adult chat!

    It’s all in there; constipated piss, speaking a ho’s language, hustling for £50, red light danger and sucking out farts!

    Yes….sucking our farts!

    All of that and so much more….

    Definitely NOT suitable for work…go ahead and click play, like, comment and share!


    ~~Tinted Blu sponsors Extraaa Biscuits – unfiltered adult chat~~



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