Steak and blow job day…
Steak and blow job day…
14th March….Steak and blow job day…
Yeah it has got a bit of a ring to it but honestly, how many women are genuinely buying in to a day that is tipped as the day to show your man just how much he means to you because apparently, all you need to do is cook him a steak and suck his dick!
Many will, many certainly won’t!
It’s far from surprising that a day like this gets the women’s libbers amongst us going – what with the idea of a woman being forced to succumb to their man on a day labelled in such a way.
It is indeed questionable how the day itself came about.
Some claim it acts as a sort of compromise for Valentine’s Day.
How I hear you bawl…
Yes, bizarre isn’t it?
Given the fact that men also benefit on Valentine’s Day, it would be fair to wonder why a day dedicated to oral sex and a decent slab of meat is necessary to appease men!
According to ; Men work hard to satisfy their lovers on Valentine’s Day, and, given their ebullient dedication, Steak and BJ Day 2017 is an opportunity to repay the favour. Plus, February 14th has become so capitalist – March 14th is good ol’ fashioned TLC.
Another theory is; the day was born out of comments made about women making their men boring sandwiches and suggesting they spice it up with a steak (and a blow job).
Both theories could raise an eyebrow or two and may be been seen as slightly offensive to women but the day itself should definitely be taken with a huge pinch of salt and for what it’s worth, giving your man a blowie every now and again should be standard and the steak…well, that should be happening at least once a week anyway soooooo, remind us again what the point of Steak and blow job day is again?
And oh, if you do subscribe to steak and blow job day, why not make it worth someone else’s while too and donate to breast cancer charities via the OFFICIAL S TEAK AND BLOW JOB DAY web page?
Happy steak eating…