Relationship Maintenance 101

Getting into a relationship is one thing, maintaining it is another.

Relationship Maintenance 101

With social media controlling virtually every aspect of our lives including our relationships in some instances, there has to be certain rules we abide by in order to keep our relationships healthy and happy.

Check out 6 of our relationship hacks below:

Relationship Maintenance 101


Science proves that men and women are not only born with varied body parts, but psychologically, the two are very different.
In general, it is well documented that men like to spend more time alone when they are stressing over something whilst women are quite the opposite – they like to talk it out!
Men and women possess different characteristics and these play a huge part in making a relationship work – differences must be recognised and understood.



Relationship Maintenance 101


An oldie but definitely a goodie…
In practically every aspect of life, communication is key to progress and development, in a relationship it is no different!
Learning how to effectively communicate with you partner, will undoubtedly strengthen your relationship.



Relationship Maintenance 101


Just like being able to communicate, honesty is crucial within a relationship.
Honesty has to be established from the get go – think of it as a foundation, without it the relationship cannot last.
No matter what you fear the outcome to be, being honest and truthful with your partner at all times, is a must!



Relationship Maintenance 101


We are all human, therefore it’s inevitable we will all make mistakes.
It is important to remain patient and encourage your partner rather than be quick to criticise and make negative comments and remarks.
When you are patient, it will encourage your partner to make any necessary changes so, grit your teeth and bare it but remember, honesty must also be applied too!



Relationship Maintenance 101


We all want to feel love and we all want to feel appreciated.
When in a relationship, the above should be a given.
Taking your partner for granted will contribute to lack of motivation and investment in the relationship on their part and ultimately, can lead to its demise.
Show love and appreciation in the same way you would like to be shown.



Relationship Maintenance 101


Always be yourself!
Pretending in a relationship NEVER ends well.
This rule applies across the board from being comfortable in the bedroom and sexual adventures, through to friendship circles and your social life.



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