Burgers and sex toys for Valentines Day 2017!

Valentines 2017 has arrived and here at Tinted Blu, we are still somewhere at the end of 2016 preparing for Christmas!

Anyhoos, if you do celebrate the alleged day of luuurve and if you are stuck for something romantic to dine on this evening…how about a Burger King meal with a difference?

Burger King will be selling adult only meal boxes to mark the day.

Burgers and sex toys for Valentines Day 2017!

Yes…this is real!

In these special boxes, you can expect 2 whoppers, 2 portions of fries, 2 beers and *drum roll* a sex toy!

Yes…you read right!

Burger King are absolutely celebrating Valentines Day 2017 with sex toys!

So what kind of sex toy we hear you cry?

Well, don’t expect anything too hardcore…

According to the promo pics, you can expect a head massager, a feather tickler or a kinky blindfold!

So, the term ‘sex toys’, might be a bit of a reach but of course you get the gist!

The adult boxes are expected to be sold after 6pm on Valentines Day (today) and if you’ve decided that you want to give it try, you better hope and pray you live somewhere near Israel because that’s the only place you can get your mitts on one of these cheeky boxes!

Burgers and sex toys for Valentines Day 2017!


No matter, if you don’t have the benefit of living in Israel, you can always improvise – go and get yourself two whoppers and fries from Burger King on the High Street, stop at the offy to grab a couple of beers and finally, stop off at Ann Summers to purchase some real sex toys.  Once you’ve got your bits, head home… heck, you don’t even need a box, the Burger King takeaway bag will suffice in this instance!

Burgers and sex toys – who would have thought it? LOL

Happy Valentines Day!


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