New relationship DO’s and DON’T’s!

If you’re in a new relationship or looking to get into one some time soon, the handful of Do’s and Don’t’s below should help you along the way…

New relationship DO's and DON'T's!


DON’T move too fast: it’s important to maintain your own life.  Giving up your friends, time and/or interests in favour of spending every waking moment with your new partner, could spell disaster!


DO learn how to balance your time: as much as it is important you maintain your other relationships and interests when in a new coupling, it is equally important you spend the right amount of time with your new partner.


DON’T text, talk: if there is something to discuss, talk it out face to face.


DO make it clear what your boundaries are: for example, no turning up on nights out uninvited or no discussing your relationship with mutual friends.


DON’T compare exes: for obvious reasons really.  No one wants to feel like they are being assessed based on a previous lover!


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