We’ve heard the rumour that sex burns calories, but how true is it?
Very true actually…
We break down the sexiest ways of burning off a few pounds by the hour:
Undressing: between 8-10 calories an hour but interestingly, guys can burn a staggering 80 calories if they opt to remove the bra with their mouth!
Kissing: a sexy 68 calories per hour but if you want to burn more, get adventurous with how you kiss.
Find weird and wonderful positions that require you to use strength too. For example; leaning over your partner, propped up on your elbows!
Massaging (the giver): in excess of 80 calories depending on how deeply and how slowly you massage. Stand up to burn more!
Giving Oral Sex: 100 calories per HALF an hour – so that’s an easy 200 calories per hour!!
Again, varying your position can increase burning power.
Having Sex: in excess of 144 calories per HALF an hour.
Moaning and groaning could burn an extra few but if you really want to blast those calories, get hot, get sweaty but most of all, make it last and remember, having an orgasm is a win/win situation…more calories burnt and total satisfaction!
Please note, the above are just guesstimates based on a woman weighing an average weight