7 interesting facts on love and relationships

7 interesting facts on love and relationships

                   7 interesting facts on love and relationships

  1. When you are attracted to someone, your pupils opt to dilate – this in turn, makes you more attractive.

    7 interesting facts on love and relationships

  2. In terms of a long term relationship, many prefer an attractive face as opposed to an attractive body.


    7 interesting facts on love and relationships

  3. Holding the hand of someone that you are in a deep and loving relationship with, can actually relieve pain.


    7 interesting facts on love and relationships

  4. A hug or a cuddle is a real life natural painkiller. How?  When we hug or cuddle, the chemical Oxytocin is released which reduces pain significantly, sometimes completely.
    Get hugging!


    7 interesting facts on love and relationships

  5. When you fall in love, the effect on the brain is similar to taking a line of cocaine.
    How?  Research has shown, 12 areas of the brain are stimulated by several chemicals when you fall in love.


    7 interesting facts on love and relationships

  6. If you are too similar to your partner, chances are the relationship may not last. Similarities in a relationship help but ultimately, being able to learn different things from one another is key.


    7 interesting facts on love and relationships

  7. Heartbreak is a real condition! It is also known as; Broken Heart Syndrome and is often misdiagnosed as a heart attack because the symptoms are similar (Learn more).


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