Coffee and Oral sex!

Coffee and Oral sex!

Imagine ordering a cuppa with a side of head to go with…?

Well that idea will soon become the reality for any male that fancies a trip to Geneva.

Based on similar establishments in Thailand, the Fellatio Cafe (no typo) is set to open by the end of the year (2016) and will allow men to receive oral sex from a sex worker of their choice after choosing their ‘giver’ via an iPad!

All this whilst drinking a hot beverage…

Coffee and Oral sex!

In Switzerland, prostitution is legal so there would be no need to worry about getting ‘caught’!

It would set men back approximately £40 for the coffee and oral combo.

So, in less than 10 minutes – guys, you could be satisfied and rehydrated!

Win win or darn right outrageous?


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